DABADEW Corporation

—Partner of Erik's place

About DABADEW and Erik’s Place

DABADEW products emerged from hardship and a blessing. I had been bedridden for years with a chronic condition and woke with a new-found creativity. I was inspired to help lost but loved children in this world. My vision was to build homes (campuses) for them to grow together, be educated, and heal before making their way in the world in a better, stronger way. The vision has changed from younger children to older because of Eric’s tragic death, but in the end they are still our children. The product lines are created to bring children together, creating teamwork and camaraderie; getting them excited about being outdoors and creating emotional and social skills that are needed for open communication.

Eric is DABADEW and Erik’s Place!!!

Erik’s Place was created in memory of Eric’s tragic passing, which was crippling and sent me on a path to discovering what our veterans were up against. At the moment of finding out about Eric’s death I knew that the DABADEW products would have to be utilized for helping our veterans and their families

It is a coincidence that our first theme is fishing since our research about healing veterans has shown that fishing can be a powerful healing force and support our veterans. Fishing creates a sense of calm for veterans who are mission-driven, this gives them something to focus on and creates a meditative effect. Our dream is to keep creating outdoor adventures for Erik and his friends to share with children across the globe.

So, Erik’s Place was born. Once the DABADEW product line is complete and established, we can then fund our programs and reach our veterans and their families in need.

Erik and his friends are looking to “Bring Light” to our veterans and their families by supporting Erik’s Place.

Eric’s full story is at Erik’s Place

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

Ryunosuke Satoro